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(Facebook/ Terrance Littletent)
Hoop dancing

Hoop Dancer vows to unite people on provincial tour

Jul 5, 2019 | 5:00 PM

An accomplished grass and hoop dancer from Regina will be touring the province this summer, and the elimination of racism is one of his key messages.

Terrance Littletent has been performing for over 30 years, and travelled across Canada, the United States, and overseas. He said there are five basic teachings within his dance.

“It’s to listen, to watch, to learn, respect and love,” he said.

Littletent, who was only eight years old when he learned the hoop dance from his late uncle, explained the hoop itself represents arms opening and bringing people into a circle to become one nation. He said he looks forward to sharing his culture this summer.

“To educate our young generation, our next leaders, about the importance of having to be that person to share your way of life and be proud of who you are and where you come from,” he said.

(Facebook/ Terrance Littletent)

Among the more local stops on Littletent’s tour this summer are Fort Carlton and Great Blue Heron Provincial Parks (July 6), and Meadow Lake Provincial Park (July 20). Littletent, who has passed on his lessons to his daughter and nephews, said people need to remember that we are one family, but we are also all different.

“If you are taught racism you can unlearn it and so that’s how I’ve grown up in my ways and my culture, was to just respect every walk of life regardless of where you go,” he said.

The tour was made possible through provincial funding. In a statement, Gene Makowsky, the minister responsible for parks, culture and sport, said he was sure Littletent’s performance would resonate with all Saskatchewan park visitors.

“We are proud to offer local entertainment that will inspire and educate our park users. I encourage everyone to attend one of these performances this summer,” he said.

On Twitter: @nigelmaxwell

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