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Income Assistance

Sask. gov’t launches new income assistance program

Jun 18, 2019 | 11:44 AM

The Government of Saskatchewan is looking to help people receiving income assistance become more self-sufficient.

The province unveiled its Saskatchewan Income Support (SIS) program on Tuesday. The program is to begin accepting applications on July 15.

“In this new program, our staff will work closely with clients to help them increase their independence and overcome employment barriers,” Social Services Minister Paul Merriman said in a media release. “We want to provide individuals who are on social assistance with the supports they need, while ensuring our programs are easier to navigate and addressing the challenges they face.

“Income assistance programs have not been updated in our province for more than 50 years and this new program will allow us to make changes in response to what we’ve been hearing our clients want — increased independence and more tailored guidance by our staff.”

The program features: Monthly earned income exemptions that will allow clients to keep more of the money they make from their jobs; Motivational Interviewing, through which staff will support clients to make better decisions to reach their goals; a new online application process that will allow clients to apply easier; and, a simpler benefit that will allow staff to help clients discuss their issues instead of filling out paperwork.

The government said that clients who currently are on the Saskatchewan Assistance Program (SAP) or Transitional Employment Allowance (TEA) will remain on those programs until they conclude in the summer of 2021, or until clients move to the new program or don’t need income support any longer.

The Saskatchewan Assured Income for Disability (SAID) program will continue to run in conjunction with the new program.

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