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See You at the Theatre

Mar 7, 2018 | 7:57 AM

As you read this article Battlefords Community Players will just have finished the third play of our season with a four day, sold out run of the very successful show “On A First Name Basis” by Norma Foster, thanks to the wonderful work of Cheryl Olson and Fraser Glen. 

Next up is a special presentation of “For the Pleasure of Seeing Her Again” by Michele Tremblay, not part of our season but our entry in TheatreFest 2018.  Previously produced by BCP in February 2001 this production will feature Lynda Lyon Walls and Jim Walls as Nana and Narrator, the same parts they played 17 years ago. For tickets call 446-3133 or They are also available at Creative Interiors in Battleford. To the actors and director this play is even more powerful than it was all those years ago as we discover even more this time around.

The Mousetrap by Agatha Christie closes out our very busy year with performance on May 1 (Show only), 3, 4, 5 (Dinner Theatre). A script that is the longest running show ever, running over 50 consecutive years in the same theatre in England – it is timeless.  The cast of 8 have begun practices but we are still looking for people interesting in finding props, costuming, helping to build sets, lights, sound, makeup and hair. Lots to do.

When we look back on this year the club has worked hard to present four murder mystery shows, four regular season shows and one special show. 

We are also hosting Dumb Ax Productions from Saskatoon with their original show based on a true story. 

Naked Tourist, Sacred Mountain will be at our Clubhouse for one show only on Friday, March 16th.  Again tickets can be got by calling 306-446-3133 or they are available at Creative Interiors in Battleford.  Thanks so much for your support Deb and Doreen.

Since 1952, the club has produced a least one show every year, began doing dinner theatre in 1977, the first in Saskatchewan, and presented our first season package in the 80’s.  Our club has hosted TheatreFest, the competitive theatre festival on 8 occasions and won 100’s of awards over the years.  And we are still having fun and challenging ourselves to be the best we can.

The club is made up of volunteers of all ages, who love to do live theatre, some with experience, many with none especially when they start.  What have we gained: experience, knowledge, friends and confidence.

I have talked about the club but can’t finish this article without recognizing the most important part of our history – our audiences.  Over the years our audiences have followed us from the Old Heidelberg, where dinner theatres all began to the Dillabough Centre, Elks Hall, Legion Hall, Sharp Auditorium, NBCHS Cafetorium, The House of Kwon, Muse Theatre, Dekker Centre, back to the Western Development Museum and to our own clubhouse. 

We have rehearsed and stored our stuff in homes, top floor of the Fred Light, the Lions Clubhouse on 104th, Riverview School, Chapel before it was a gallery, hanger at the Airport and more places than I can remember.

Now we have a home after 40 years of searching and plan on using out facility for many exciting productions.

That’s all for now.  Get your tickets soon and support community theater.

See you at the Theatre.