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Work begins on the Highway 7 twinning project (supplied/Government of Saskatchewan)
Highway Upgrades

Highway 7 to receive safety upgrades this summer

Jun 14, 2019 | 2:03 PM

Highway 7 will be getting a safety facelift this summer.

The plan is to overhaul the stretch of highway, which runs 261 kilometres from Saskatoon to the Alberta border, with major safety improvements that include twinning the road or adding passing lanes through certain areas.

“Highway 7 is a major economic corridor for our province, connecting communities such as Kindersley, Rosetown, Deslisle and Saskatoon” Lori Carr, the minister of highways and infrastructure, said. “The new twinning and passing lanes will improve safety and help grow the economy in these communities for years to come.”

One area being worked on this summer will be the beginning of the third and final phase of a highway twinning project, covering 25 km on Highway 7 between Saskatoon and Deslisle. The project is expected to finish by early fall this year.

Design work also continues on adding passing lanes between Kindersley and the Alberta border while construction on two new passing lanes is already underway west of Rosetown. This is in addition to the four sets of passing lanes that were completed in 2015 east of Rosetown.

The Government of Canada is funding half of the eligible costs of the project with the remainder to be funded by the Government of Saskatchewan.

The province invested $9 billion in transportation infrastructure since 2008.

On Twitter: @battlefordsnow

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