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93.3 Beach Radio has partnered with the Battlefords for CMHA’s 2000 Push-Up Challenge this year. Host Nic Fransoo is excited to use the station’s platform to promote conversations about mental health crises and will take on the challenge with the other staff members. (Kenneth Cheung/ battlefordsNOW staff)

“Its about trying’: 2000 push-up challenge to tackle mental health issues in Battlefords

Jan 29, 2025 | 1:06 PM

According to the the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), approximately 2,000 people take their own lives across the world daily.

In light of the ongoing mental health crisis, in February, the CMHA Battlefords will join other branches across the country for a unique initiative, The 2000 Push-Up Challenge.

By doing each push-up, people have the chance to reflect on and remember the lives lost each day to suicide.

In Canada,the government noted that approximately 4,500 people die by suicide each year, which averages out to around 12 people a day.

“Push-ups are hard, but so is facing mental health challenges,” said Michele Winterholt, executive director of CMHA Battlefords Brach. “It mirrors the struggles people face daily.”

She went on to note that participants are encouraged to attempt others’ exercises, such as sit-ups and squats, or simply do their best toward the target, as she understands that “it is the thought that counts.”

Community collaboration

The local radio station, 93.3 Beach Radio, has stepped in as one of the first key partners in the Battlefords and named the collaboration “Push-Up the Volume.” Host Nic Fransoo said he is excited about getting the team involved.

“Talking about mental health on the radio helps normalize the conversation. We are not just talking sports scores or council updates…we are making mental health part of everyday discussions,” Fransoo noted.

Noting that the radio station will take on the challenge together, fostering a supportive environment that he believes reflects the ideal community approach to addressing mental health issues.

“Just like when it comes to your mental health, when you have people to talk with, when you have the ability to share in this experience, it gets a little easier,” he said. “Even if we don’t hit the 2,000 mark, it’s about trying and supporting each other.”

This year marks the second time it has taken place in Canada. In 2024, Winterholt shared that over 49,000 Canadians stepped up and raised $2.4 million for local mental health education and advocacy.

In addition to raising funds, she pointed out that it also helps spark conversation, which she believes is the best way to bring attention to the pressing reality.

“The more you try, the more you talk about it, the more we can remove that stigma and maybe help somebody out there who thinks that they can’t talk about their mental health,” Fransoo added when discussing the same matter.

“So the more normal it is, the more people will embrace it.”

As the campaign has already received support from the local radio station, Winterholt said they will keep reaching out to schools, gyms, and businesses to join in.

Participants are also reminded that just as push-ups can seem daunting, so too can conversations about mental health, but with encouragement and effort, she believes progress can be made.

“Mental health is part of everyone’s life, and initiatives like this bring it to the forefront, making it ok to talk about it,” she said.

The event will begin on Feb. 11 and last for 18 days. Participants can download the app Push For Better to track their daily progress; it is available on Google Play and the App Store.

Please click here if you are interested in signing up for the challenge, either for yourself or your team.