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(Submitted/Angela Hill)
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Ahtahkakoop leadership extends special invite to British Crown

Jan 28, 2025 | 9:27 AM

Chief Larry Ahenakew and Ahtahkakoop Cree Nation are extending an official invitation to His Majesty the King to attend the 150th Commemoration of Treaty 6.

On Monday, a letter was signed in the Office of the Treaty Commissioner boardroom in Saskatoon and it will be mailed this week.

The commemoration will take place in the summer of 2026 and the attendance of the British Crown would reinforce the continuity of the Crown’s relationship with First Nations in Treaty 6 and strengthen the relationship between the Crown and First Nations.

“The significance of the pipe ceremony at the conclusion of negotiations, the oral history of our Elders, and the signing of Treaty 6 on August 23, 1876 have long demonstrated that this relationship will last for as long as the sun shines, grass grows, and rivers flow,” said Chief Ahenakew in a statement provided to the media.

This landmark event will honour the collective vision of the 1876 Treaty signatories to forge an irrevocable Treaty relationship based on mutual respect, mutual sharing, peace and friendship.

“When I was approached by Chief Ahenakew about supporting the invitation, I immediately saw the importance of His Majesty’s attendance at such an important milestone,” said Dr. Kathy Walker, Treaty Commissioner of Saskatchewan “We can use our office in its role of intermediary for the Treaty Table to advocate alongside Ahtahkakoop Cree Nation, in particular to parliamentary offices and government representatives.”

“Having the King visit these lands, like the actual Treaty 6 territory during the commemoration will help to promote the respect for that relationship.”

She explained that 150 years was a significant milestone should the King accept the invitation from Chief Ahenakew and the Ahtahkakoop Cree Nation.

“It’ll be a very tangible reminder of the importance of all the treaties – especially Treaty 6 – to that relationship between the Crown and First Nation.”

The invitation was sent out yesterday and while it’ll be some time before they receive a response, Walker said that should the Monarch accept, “It will be an important act of renewing the significance and the continued value of the treaty relationship 150 years later.”

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