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Denis Allchurch is from Rabbit Lake and grew up on the family farm in the Meeting Lake District. He lives in Spiritwood with his wife Sheila.(Photo courtesy:

Denis Allchurch: Sask United Party candidate for Meadow Lake

Oct 3, 2024 | 11:20 AM

Denis Allchurch is no stranger to politics. He served as the MLA for Rosthern-Shellbrook from 1999 to 2011 when he lost the Saskatchewan Party nomination for his constituency to Scott Moe.

Now Allchurch plans to run for provincial politics again, but this time, as a member of the Saskatchewan United Party for the constituency of Meadow Lake.

According to his profile on the party’s website, Allchurch decided to join the United party because of the ‘corruption and mismanagement in the current Saskatchewan Party government’. Allchurch believes the province needs new, true conservative leadership, and he thinks Jon Hromek, leader of the Saskatchewan United Party, shares his belief.

As a former MLA, Allchurch served as the Official Opposition House Critic for Northern Affairs and Deputy Critic of Saskatchewan Forest/Forestry. He also participated in the Standing Committees on Intergovernmental Affairs, Infrastructure, the Environment, Private Members’ Bills, and the Special Committee on Regulation.

Allchurch served as an alderman for three years and was elected as Mayor of Spiritwood in 1994. He has also been involved in various boards, such as the Parks and Recreation Board, Witchekan Wildlife Federation, and Spiritwood Snowball Riders Snowmobile Club, and was the owner/operator of D & S Sports Inc. He has actively promoted the Spiritwood branch of Ducks Unlimited, the Spiritwood Lodge, and a hospital project.

The 2024 Saskatchewan general election is scheduled for Oct. 28. Other confirmed candidates from Meadow Lake include Jeremy Harrison of the Saskatchewan Party and Miles Nachbaur for the Saskatchewan NDP.

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