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Battlefords-Lloydminster MP Rosemarie Falk. (Photo:

‘Axe the tax’ and ‘jail, not bail’: Catching up with MP Rosemarie Falk

Sep 24, 2024 | 3:35 PM

The fall sitting of Parliament started much the same way it ended for Battlefords-Lloydminster MP Rosemarie Falk and her fellow Conservatives: staying focused on the carbon tax and the economy.

“I will continue to advocate for axing the tax, making sure that we get the homes built that Canadians need, the budget gets fixed, and we stop the crimes,” Falk told battlefordsNOW.

In the House of Commons Tuesday, Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre made the case for bringing down the Liberal government. He asked other members of Parliament to vote for his non-confidence motion of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s government, saying he wants to restore the promise of Canada. A vote for the motion is set for Wednesday. If both the New Democrats and Bloc Quebecois vote against the motion Wednesday, it will be defeated and the Liberal government will survive its first test since its supply and confidence deal with he NDP fell apart. Falk said toppling the Liberals is the only way for Canada to move forward.

“We need the NDP to genuinely withdraw their support from the government, not just artificially withdraw it. We also need the Bloc not to support the government; Canadians have been clear that they want the carbon tax to be axed. They want homes to be built, the budget to be fixed, and crime to stop,” Falk explained.

“The only way we can achieve that is by having an election.”

While Poilievre is in the House of Commons calling for “a carbon tax election”, Falk is reminding her constituents that she believes the federal government has failed to see Saskatchewan’s needs.

“We’re a landlocked province. Anything that needs to be shipped, anything that needs to go by car or train, will have an additional tax on it. Justin Trudeau propped up with the NDP has voted numerous times to keep a carbon tax…a tax on our food, so on our groceries, and a tax on our farmers as well, home heating and electricity,” said Falk.

“It is hurting the bottom line of Canadians and ultimately eating into their savings or extra money that they have at the moment.”

While cost of living is top of mind, Falk is also highlighting what needs to be done when it comes to crime. She said after nine years of Justin Trudeau, violent crime, homicides and sexual assaults have increased.

“It’s imperative, when you look at what has led us to this point, there’s been government bills that have taken away mandatory minimum sentencing of some crimes.”

Falk referred to Bill C-5 which addresses, in part, over-incarceration rates by eliminating specific mandatory minimum penalties and allowing for greater use of conditional sentences.

“So, for example, sexual assault, kidnapping, trafficking, a whole bunch of these things where now you can just do your time from house arrest, as opposed to jail. So again, Conservatives stand for jail, not bail for repeat violent offenders,” Falk said.

Looking forward, Falk said she’ll continue to fight for her constituents and all Canadians to see a lower cost of living and crime reduction.

“I put my name on a ballot. I’m here to represent those that elected me, too, and sometimes that means I have to say things that maybe aren’t favourable in the caucus room or on the floor of the House of Commons, but that’s what I’ve been sent to do. And, yeah, it takes a village, takes a village to make that all happen,” she said.

Falk was first elected in 2017 during a federal by-election. She serves as a member of the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and Status of Persons with Disabilities and has also previously served as a member of the Standing Committee on Citizenship and Immigration.

-With files from the Canadian Press

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