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Empty storage shelves where dog and puppy food once sat. (Submitted Photo/Laurel Fauth)
Stolen food

Humane society dogs face hunger following food theft

Aug 28, 2024 | 3:00 PM

The puppies and dogs of the Battlefords Humane Society are facing hunger after 40 to 50 bags of food were stolen following a break and enter sometime Tuesday night.

“Someone or someones came and cut the lock and it damaged the door and stole a good part of our dog food supply,” said Laurel Fauth, the society’s treasurer.

A lock to the shed door was cut. (submitted photo/Laurel Fauth)

“We probably go through 10 bags a week,” she added.

Staff discovered the theft this morning and it came just days after a major donation of food came from a local business.

“We were pretty full and yeah, now we’re not,” Fauth said.

The shelter now only has roughly a couple of weeks worth of supply and they are currently taking count of any bags that were left behind.

As part of the damage, the lock to the shed was cut and the door can’t close as the hinges no longer line up.

“It’s kind of concerning too now so…we’re gonna have to keep more inside, we just don’t have a lot of room for that amount of storage,” she said.

The broken shed door. (submitted photo/Laurel Fauth)

Fauth said the staff is cleaning up and will be putting a call out for donations in a day or so as she believes there are only about two days worth of puppy food left.

“We’re going to work on here later this morning taking what we do have in there, what’s usable and putting it in the office,” she said.

Taking stock of the situation, Fauth said the theft is disheartening.

“People put in a lot of hard work here and we have a lot of volunteers, and we have people that support us and donate to us and then it’s really a shame that people are going to steal from us,” she said.

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