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The Battlefords & District Chamber of Commerce (BDCC) is launching the first Indigenous Awareness Training Program in North Battlefords on Sept. 27 ( file photo/battlefordsNOW staff)
Indigenous awareness

Battlefords launches first Indigenous Awareness Training Program

Aug 15, 2024 | 1:05 PM

The Battlefords & District Chamber of Commerce (BDCC) is launching the first Indigenous Awareness Training Program in North Battleford.

The program will take place on Sept. 27, in alignment with the National Truth and Reconciliation Day on Sept. 30.

Linda Machniak, the chief operating officer of BDCC, said this launch is an important milestone for the community as it could allow people to learn more about First Nations and stamp out stigma.

“It is really important to hear the Indigenous story from Indigenous leaders and really get to know their perspective on history,” said Machniak.

“Understanding their point of view can help us comprehend our present situation and guide us towards a better future.”

Machniak stated that the Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce (SCC) has offered Indigenous awareness training for a few years. Initially, the training was available in larger urban centers.

This year, the chamber has decided to make it more accessible by bringing it to local and regional chambers.

This program has three levels. The higher the level, the more in-depth the history and materials will be taught. North Battleford will start with level one, focusing on the history of Indigenous peoples in Saskatchewan.

According to the SCC website, the program speaker, Milton Tootoosis, will cover the history of First Nations and Métis Peoples in Saskatchewan from pre-contact to today.

Tootoosis explained that this program aims to unite the community to understand untold truths and address challenging stories, contributing to a better understanding of social issues resulting from poverty and cultural conflicts.

He also mentioned that people have changed their opinions and refreshed their mindsets toward the Indigenous community after completing the program.

“Some participants were inspired to take action, make changes, reevaluate their values, and refocus their time and energy on making positive change as allies with the Indigenous community,” said Tootoosis.

He also said he is excited to deliver this class in North Battleford, as he is originally from Poundmaker Cree Nation, which is located 40 kilometres northwest of North Battleford.

“Coming to the Battlefords area is like returning to my home territory. So, I’m very excited and honoured to be part of the project, and I think It will be a great experience for many participating.”

Everyone can participate in this program by visiting the Battlefords and District Chamber of Commerce’s website.

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