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Family Fun

Exciting Lineup Revealed for Prince Albert Downtown Street Fair

May 30, 2024 | 1:19 PM

Bag Pipers and dancers, free admission to the museum, street magic and a ‘Pig Roast’ on Central Avenue!

It’s all part of the upcoming Street Fair being held on Saturday, June 15th.

The Prince Albert Downtown Business Improvement District unveiled plans for the annual event which will kick off at 10 a.m. with the Highlander Pipes and Drum Band setting the tone for the day. They will lead a procession accompanied by Ballet n’All that Jazz and the Performing Arts Warehouse. The procession will start at 14th Street and Central Ave. Once it reaches 11th Street, choir singers from Big Noise, Resonate, And Reverb will serenade the crowd with their rendition of ‘O Canada.’

From there, the opportunities for the public to enjoy are endless. Admission to the Historical Museum will be free for the day as will horse and wagon rides departing from the museum parking lot.

Families can let their kids burn some energy in one of three dedicated zones scattered throughout the area.

Kids Zone #1 is located at 9th Street East with inflatables, balloon sculptures and face painting.

Kids Zone #2 is located at Memorial Square with playground activities, hula hoopster fun, juggling activities and face painting.

Kids Zone #3 is located at 14th Street with inflatables, balloon sculptures, face painting and the Gateway Mall train ride.

The Prince Albert Special Olympics team invites you to shoot pucks with them while the Sasktel Cube offers entertainment on River Street West.

And the Klassic Kruizer Kar Klub will add a touch of vintage charm to the event by showcasing a number of their vehicles on 10th Street East.

Power 99 FM in partnership with PRT Forest Nursery will help foster a sense of environmental stewardship by handing out seedlings to guests of the Street Fair.

A new addition to this year’s festivities is Ren Faire Alley, a street dedicated to vendors embracing the medieval and renaissance theme, offering a unique shopping experience amidst costumes and dress-up opportunities.

Tim Coleman will perform Street Magic and Spray Paint artist Lorne Oliver will be displaying his craft. Princesses and mascots will also wander Central Avenue for photo ops.

And what’s a fair without delicious fare? Attendees can tantalize their taste buds with the aroma of a “Pig Roast,” courtesy of Kevin Sawicki from Fat Belly Sausage.

Memorial Square will come alive with music featuring a lineup of talented artists throughout the day. With over 170 spaces filled by local businesses, non-profit organizations, and vendors, this year’s fair promises to be the biggest yet.

Don’t miss out on a day filled with fun, free activities, great entertainment, and delicious food. Mark your calendars for Saturday, June 15th, from 10 am to 6 pm!

**This article was created by paNOW’s commercial content division.