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(File Photo/battlefordsNOW Staff)
River Valley

Town of Battleford approves River Valley agreement

Mar 19, 2024 | 7:00 AM

Town Council has approved the 2024 Battlefords River Valley Agreement after it expired earlier this month.

“As council is aware, Battlefords River Valley Committee is an agreement between the town and the (City of North Battleford) to manage, maintain, make recommendations on how to develop the river valley,” said Mayor Ames Leslie during Monday night’s meeting.

“This is to extend the agreement with the city and town.”

According to the contract, the committee has representatives from both communities who meet quarterly. Each year, the city and town contribute $83,000 – of which, $30,000 comes from the town and was part of this year’s budget.

According to Leslie in a follow-up interview, the committee was first conceptualized by the town, city and the province but six or seven years ago, the province pulled funding from the river valleys across Saskatchewan.

“The city and the town decided to continue the agreement and the committee and keep moving forward,” he said of Finlayson Island, North Shore Trail and other valley entities. “This is just a renewal of that contract for another year, to the town and the city to continue to work together to improve and expand the river valley.”

According to the agreement, “the funds are used to reimburse both municipalities for indirect and direct costs” the agreement read in part. As such, “indirect costs (such as maintenance) is reimbursed at 50 per cent of expenses and direct costs (like capital and third-party contracts) is reimbursed at 100 per cent of expenses.”

Leslie said the committee has done much in the last few years including investing in new signage – a project which cost over a quarter of $1 million.

“All the signs had been falling apart and been vandalized so they’re all new modern signs that help people get around,” he said, noting the trails on the Battleford side also have them.

The Mayor explained there was also investment in parking lots with gravel, security cameras on Finlayson Island, winter grooming, and other improvements.

“They had a pretty good track record over the years, and they continue to do good things for our community,” he said.

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