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Snow plows in the Battlefords are working on clearing the communities out of the white stuff. (File Photo/battlefordsNOW Staff)
Clearing Snow

City and town both still working on digging out, anticipate next snowfall

Jan 8, 2024 | 2:10 PM

The Battlefords are still digging out of last week’s winter blast.

“All the priority stuff was done and (we’re) doing some sanding,” Eric Bilansky, Battleford public works manager said.

He explained the downtown core was cleared this morning and now they’re getting started on the residential areas, which will take a few days.

“It sounds like we’re supposed to get a whole bunch of snow again tomorrow, so we’ll be starting all over again,” he said.

“We don’t have scheduled days in the Town of Battleford for clearing streets, so it kind of depends on what days the garbage cans are out and the recycling cans that determines what areas of town we can concentrate on,” he said.

The city, meanwhile, have been clearing the streets, sidewalks and other walkways since the snowfall on Friday. In an emailed statement to battlefordsNOW, they said, “Personnel and snow-clearing resources have all been deployed to ensure snow is cleared in a structured and timely fashion.”

Procedures to remove snow works by designating priority groups beginning with major roads and emergency routes, followed by collector and residential streets.

“The city appreciates the public’s adherence to “no parking” zones throughout the city while snow removal is underway,” they said in the statement.

The town is working in a similar fashion and Bilansky asks residents to remove any vehicles and bins off the street.

“Sure helps us out a lot,” he said of the clear pathways.

“We know what the situation’s like and we’re working on it and like I say, the biggest thing is if we have a street that has too many parked vehicles on it, we’ll just leave it, come back later when they get it cleared off,” Bilansky said.

“It’s just too hard to blade when there’s a bunch of vehicles on the street.”

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