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The city's 2024 proposed budget. (Submitted photo/City of North Battleford)
Budget 2024

City administration proposes new budget with 5.12 per cent property tax increase

Nov 17, 2023 | 2:02 PM

The City of North Battleford’s administration has proposed its 2024 budget with a 5.12 per cent property tax increase.

The draft is only administration’s proposal. Before city council can vote on the budget, it will undertake a number of deliberation meetings where it will have a chance to make any changes it sees fit.

In addition to the proposed property tax increase, administration is suggesting waste management (recycling and garbage collection) could see a 4.4 per cent increase. Proposed increases for water services are 4.5 per cent and for sanitary sewer services 4 per cent.

The city said it has been looking to find savings wherever possible in its report, without impacting services.

The city will be able to find $300,000 in savings through staff vacancies. That is $34,000 less than the city realized in 2023. The city noted vacancies can occur as a result of staffing shortages or any special programs that could be required to operate at reduced capacity.

Inflation is one factor the city is dealing with impacting the budget.

Administration said in its summary of the budget, that with “revenues nearly back to pre-pandemic levels, the economy is currently facing elevated inflation rates” and supply-chain constraints, resulting in high construction and machinery costs for the city.

The proposed 2024 budget looks to maintain a level of service consistent with previous years, aligning with the city’s strategic plan.

“Ongoing discussions regarding budget priorities and expenditure alignment will continue throughout the coming year,” the city said.

The city noted that “building on the operational efficiencies achieved in recent years, city administration remains dedicated to recognizing opportunities” to keep costs in control and look for new cost-saving measures.

“This commitment will be balanced with our active support for pivotal projects and expansion initiatives,” city administration added.

Some of the other challenges the city is faced with include aging infrastructure.

“A substantial portion of the city’s infrastructure is aging, demanding ongoing and increasing investments to maintain current service levels and ensure public safety,” the city said.

Administration will present a draft of the proposed budget to council at the first deliberation meeting on Nov. 20, starting at 5 p.m. The topics to be discussed are a general overview of the 2024 budget, General Government Services, and Parks and Recreation Services.

The second deliberation session is scheduled for Nov. 23 from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. The topics will include responses to any questions from the previous session, Police Services, Fire & Protective Services, and Operation Services – including Infrastructure, Waste Management, Water and Sanitary Sewer.

The third meeting will take place on Nov. 30, from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Topics include responses to any questions from the previous session, Engineering, Planning, Asset Management, and Infrastructure (including UPAR), as well as Third Party Grant requests.

If council requires further deliberation sessions, they have the option to meet on Dec. 5 and Dec. 7.

Then, council is expected to vote on the revised 2024 budget draft at its regular meeting on Dec. 11.

People can view city administration’s full budget draft package online here .

They can also attend the deliberation sessions, either in person at City Hall or view them online through the city’s website. The corresponding links are provided above where indicated.

On Twitter: @battlefordsnow

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