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Metis Women Online Proram

Aug 18, 2022 | 1:08 PM

Meeting My Ancestors

Our next Metis Women’s Program starts October 24th in our online classroom!

Join us to explore our roots as Indigenous women through our arts, foods, teachings and language.
What is included in the Women’s Program?

Level 1 Beading Class*

Level 2 Beading Class*

Moccasin Making Class*

Octopus Bag Making Class*

Mitasses Making Class*

Shawl Making Class*

Ribbon Skirt Making Class*

You will also be able to access free cultural content along with your classes.

Some of these resources include;
Weekly Michif lessons*

Access to the Metis Women’s Circle (Forever…this continues after the 12 month program is over)

Access to Monthly Live Online Zoom Gatherings*

Access to weekly cultural teachings*
* These aspects of the program last 12 months. Access to groups will continue for as long as you’d like to be a part of the them. All traditional teachings in the program that you have access to are designed to compliment the class you are taking. However, as culture is freely exchanged, none of these aspects are charged for in the cost of the program. Please ensure that when you share them, you likewise do so freely and without charge.

You get all of these, plus…
Recipes for traditional foods
Online events notifications
Curated content from across the web including songs and stories for you to enjoy
Is this program for you?
This program is a good fit for you if…
You are Metis, or from a related nation (Cree, Ojibwe or Saulteaux). Other nations are welcome, however, our teachings may not be quite so similar as those nations listed here.
You are ready to learn, have access to a phone or computer and have access to the internet
You are searching for traditional teachings and want to experience your culture in your daily life
You are financially able. I know this isn’t going to be the case for everyone. If you’d like to learn, but simply can’t afford it, I will share some thoughts for you further down.

It’s Feeling Like A Fit
If what you’ve read so far feels like a good fit, I encourage you to join us. I KNOW there will be so much of value for you.

This program is accepting women into our next cohort starting October 24th. This group of women will be an amazing support as you all move through this program.

You can register at the bottom of the Facebook page.

320 CAD / 250 USD.

These amounts are equivalent.

This means you are paying the same amount regardless of which currency you are paying in. 320 CAD is the same as 250 USD. Our credit card processor on our website uses USD for charges, but they will be converted into CAD automatically when the transaction goes through. Our website lacks the capacity to adjust the currency automatically on your screen (based on your location) when you visit the website, but the credit card processor does this on their end.

Course fees support our ongoing development of our culture camp near Athabasca.

Payment Plans
Payment plans are possible with dividing the payments into bi monthly payments leading up to the course start date.

As we get closer to the start date, there are fewer weeks over which payments can be divided. Registering far in advance allows payments to be smaller and more spread out. Registering closer to the program limits how many payments the fees can be divided over.

The number of payments determines how much they are each time, we divide the total by the number of payments. For a 2 payment plan, each would be half, for a three payment plan each would be a third. Payments are divided equally across the number of weeks leading up to the start date. If there are 3 payments being made and 6 weeks left before the program, payments would be made every 2 weeks.
The first of the payments is due upon registration.

To register using a payment plan, you would go to our website and enter your information, then when checking out, you would select the e-transfer option (even if you want to pay by credit card). It will give you the email address to use for payments.

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