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The Battlefords homeless shelter, located at 962 102nd St. in North Battleford., is operated by Battlefords Agency Tribal Chiefs Inc. (BATC) as Miwasin Kikinaw. (File photo/battlefordsNOW Staff)
Budgeted amount

City grants funding to Miwasin Kikinaw homeless shelter

Mar 29, 2022 | 1:01 PM

North Battleford city council agreed to grant funding for 2022 to the Battlefords homeless shelter now known as Miwasin Kikinaw: Our Home is Good.

Battlefords Agency Tribal Chiefs Inc. (BATC) currently operates the facility, formerly called the Lighthouse Serving the Battlefords.

The Community Development Financial Assistance Program Committee (CDFAPC), a subcommittee of city council, approved a grant for $25,000 requested by Miwasin Kikinaw last month.

City Finance director Brent Nadon said in his report to council only half the approved 2021 funding for the Lighthouse was paid last year due to the program’s anticipated closure at that time. As a result the committee decided to grant Miwasin Kikinaw the leftover funds of $12,500 this year.

The Lighthouse Emergency Shelter program ended for the facility in 2021, but in Oct. 1 of that year the Battlefords Agency Tribal Chiefs Inc. (BATC) leased the former Lighthouse space and took over operations of the facility and the program under the new name Miwasin Kikinaw.

“The services previously provided by the Lighthouse and now Miwasin Kikinaw are absolutely critical to North Battleford and the surrounding communities,” Nadon said.

He noted the $25,000 grant amount was previously approved by council during the 2022 budget deliberations.

Council approved city administration’s recommendation to provide $25,000 to Miwasin Kikinaw for 2022 operations, as well as the additional $12,500 unspent funding from last year.

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