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The City of North Battleford is released a public survey to help ifnorm their annual Performance Plan with the Battlefords RCMP. (File photo/battlefordsNOW Staff)
Online survey

North Battleford seeking public input on RCMP priorities

Mar 18, 2022 | 4:00 PM

The City of North Battleford is seeking community input on policing priorities, through a new online survey.

Ahead of preparing the City’s annual Performance Plan with the Battlefords RCMP detachment, this year council and administration will take information gleaned from questions of what issues law enforcement should focus on. Mayor David Gillan said council decided to do things a little bit differently this year and get some in-depth public feedback, something they’d been looking to do for a long time.

“We’re trying to be more responsive and interactive with our citizens,” he said. “Policing priorities are an important issue in our community and we want to have interaction with our citizens in this regard.”

Gillan added that the results of the recent inclusive municipality survey they partnered with the Town of Battleford on served as another push towards this move. As municipalities across the country adjust to budgetary issues, the Mayor said many feel utilizing methods like surveys is a better way of reaching out to citizens to feel the pulse of issues affecting them.

Resources are very limited, we can’t afford to just hire more people,” Gillan said. “We have to be efficient and prioritize, so that’s what we are doing.”

The survey includes questions on each person’s individual experience with the police, rankings issues of importance and social issues most affecting the area.

Gillan said all feedback is welcome, including from residents who don’t live in North Battleford, but work there and frequent the City.

“Input from our residents is very important in making decisions.”

You can take the survey here.

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