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The Freedom Chain supporters gather along Hwy. 16 bypass in North Battleford Saturday. (Josh Ryan and Angela Brown/battlefordsNOW staff)

Battlefords participants take part in Canada’s ‘Freedom Chain’ event

Mar 5, 2022 | 5:17 PM

Supporters of the Cross-Canada Human “Freedom Chain” came together to stand hand in hand off the north side of the Hwy. 16 bypass in North Battleford at noon Saturday.

Similar events were held in many communities throughout Canada as a symbol of solidarity.

Local participants held signs, saying “Let Freedom Roll,” and waved their Canadian flags as passing vehicles honked in support.

Jenifer Kryzanowski said she received a number of messages from people who planned to attend but were snowed in following Friday’s storm. But she was still glad to see many who came out.

With the Freedom Chain happening across Canada at the same time, Kryzanowski hopes it sends a message of support during the ongoing pandemic.

“Over the last two years we have been social distancing and isolating, and not be able to be with our families,” she said. “This is just a way to bring Canadian communities together, and unite in peace, love, and unity.”

Kryzanowski hopes the Freedom Chain helps raise awareness and end the federal government’s COVID-19 vaccination mandates.

“We do want the mandates gone,” she said. “But this is about bringing Canada together… It’s nice to see everyone’s smiling faces, and hugs. Everything is absolutely amazing.”

A number of highway rallies have been held in the Battlefords recently by groups wanting the country’s travel restrictions removed.

Battlefords resident Tammy Ruda is hopeful Canada’s mandates end soon. She said the Freedom Chain will help.

It’s been a tough past two years for families during the pandemic, she said.

“It’s been two years of being isolated, and finding different ways to maneuver around the Battlefords…,” Ruda said. “I haven’t seen my grandchildren in Alberta in two years.”

She wants to see all the federal mandates lifted so people can be together again, wherever they live.

“It’s time for it to stop. It’s time for our freedoms to be back,” Ruda said. “I never thought in a million years we would be standing arm-in-arm fighting for what men and women fought for for years, and still fight for – our freedoms. To have them taken away, it’s unforgivable for what this government is doing to Canada.”

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