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The City of Lloydmisnter is looking for community feedbackas they move ahead withe new event arena Lloydminster Place. (submitted/City of Lloydminster)
Your voice

Lloydminster launches community engagement campaign for arena campaign

Feb 18, 2022 | 6:00 AM

Hockey is king in the Border City and local leaders are now crafting what the palace will look like.

The City of Lloydminster launched its community engagement unveiling event on Monday, debuting branding for the municipality’s new arena and event centre, Lloydminster Place. Titled “Your Place, Your Experience” the campaign is also meant to garner public feedback and showcase its site plan and sponsorship opportunities.

Mayor Aalbers introducing Lloydminster Place, during the announcment of the City’s community engagement capmpaign.

Mayor Gerald Aalbers told battlefordsNOW that this is an exciting time for the City, after having chosen a location in January.

“We have a name that we can build on and go from there,” he said. “This is an opportunity that will be with us for a very long time.”

On the newly created Lloydminster Place website, City Administration has added a section to answers frequently asked questions from the community, including how they are paying for the facility and what it will cost. The total cost of the project is $51 million, with the City seeking $33 million federal and provincial grant money.

Early discussions on seating capacity are hinting at around 2,000-2,500 for fans of hockey clubs like the community’s AJHL franchise the Lloydminster Bobcats, with room to potentially add some more. Aalbers said the number of people inquiring about having the arena accommodate a Western Hockey League were minimal.

“I haven’t had anyone come forward and say they’re willing to put a WHL team on the ice and fund, which is something the City isn’t prepared to do,” he said.

A bigger consideration was outside of critical-month use, specifically having a facility that will be accessed year-round. Aalbers said this is key and brings a number of components to the decions making process, including commercial opportunities.

“Summer, winter, spring fall, it will be able to be used,” he said. “That’s very critical, getting most efficient use out of any municipal facility.”

A sample of what Lloydminster Place could look like in 2025. (submmitted/City of Lloydminster)

Community impact

During the press conference on Monday, several local leaders in athletics expressed their excitement for the new facility. Dean Stark, General Manager of Lloydminster Minor Hockey, said this is huge for youth sports in the region and noted that news is even more special after being impacted by COVID-19.

“If I’ve learned anything through the challenging times we’ve faced through the pandemic, it’s just reinforced to me how important sports and recreation are,” he said. “For all of us, but especially for our youth.”

Nigel Dube, Lloydminster Bobcats General Manager and Head Coach, said this is a big day for a community with close to 40 years of junior hockey heritage.

“We have great support throughout our city,” he said. “To be able to have the ability to attend and watch games [here] is going to be huge.”

Dube also pointed to the numerous hosting opportunities. This facility allows the Bobcats to put in provincial, western-Canadian and national bids for events.

“We can’t wait to be able to do that,” he said. “This is also a big day for the Alberta Junior Hockey League, having a premier facility brought into our league.”

Women’s hockey benefits

Al Rogan, Director of Athletics for Lakeland College, was also on hand for the press conference, as the Lakeland Rustlers had recently added a women’s hockey club to the program. He highlighted the support from the community support for the women’s team so far and stressed the college’s excitement over their involvement in the project.

“Not just as we move through the capital campaign phase of it, but also as we support It over many years.”

The Rustlers are currently going through the application process to compete in the Alberta Colleges Athletic League. Rogan said that Lloydminster’s support for hockey gives him confidence in the opportunities this arena will bring.

“We’re incredibly excited to be a part of this venture and we know it’s going to be successful.”

The Your Voice survey for Lloydminster Place is available online.

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