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The Chamber of Commerce's report on the impact of adding 10 per cent of overall shopping to only local stores could yield hundreds of jobs and millions in wages. (file/battlefordsNOW Staff)
shop local

Battlefords Chamber finds promising data from shopping report

Feb 7, 2022 | 8:05 AM

Shop local is a slogan familiar to the Battlefords that most people would agree has some benefits, but businesses can now point to actual data to make their case.

The Battlefords Chamber of Commerce released the full results of the Regional Economic study they had commissioned, which was prepared by Praxis Consulting Ltd. Titled the Economic Impact of Shopping Local, the report shows the impact on the community from an area-wide 10 per cent increase in spending at local firms in the region.

The findings, found through standard methodologies and using multiple models and input=output tables, are promising. If consumers spend just 10 per cent more at local stores, this could lead to 332 new positions to total employment amongst businesses. Chamber COO Linda Machniak said this would bode well for the business community and for labour opportunities in the region.

“Every one of the Chamber members could add a staff to their payroll and it would not only add those 332 positions but the total labour income would increase and could be circulated in the community by $15.9 million of wages and benefits and so on,” she said.

“The more money there is in the community, the more jobs there are, and more opportunities for business and to start businesses. It helps to grow and develop as a community.”

The report also showed a potential increase of $72.7 million in total gross output, which measures the total expenditures on local goods and services and payments as well as payments to labour and business profits. Roughly 93 per cent of the people surveyed make decisions based on family and friend recommendations.

A key part of this shift in purchasing is money going directly to small and mid-level businesses, compared to large chain stores that residents will shop at when they travel or go online. Machniak said it’s unlikely that a larger company could bring hundreds of jobs with it, but a small shift in general local spending will bring about that growth in a different way.

“That’s a pretty realistic goal in my mind. It’s not a complete change in shopping.”

In another way, Machniak noted that this could actually save some money in certain situations while being more eco-friendly.

“Some larger retailers may have other products, but by the time you take in your time, fuel and wear on your vehicle, are you actually saving?” she said. “All of us need to find ways to save, but there are ways.”

A shift in messaging

Getting residents to hop on board with this notion of shopping locally is now on businesses and local leaders. Mayor Ames Leslie said he was encouraged to see the report’s findings.

“It needs to get out into the general public, some of those stats are very powerful,” he said. “When we think about the amount of businesses we have, that’s a lot of new employees, but it doesn’t seem farfetched when you break it down.”

One of the ways is making sure people are aware of smaller businesses, particularly ones that offer unique products or services. Leslie added that it’s important to ask residents what they need to see from businesses in order to spend more in town.

“It might be easy to say spend $10-20 more, but have we ever asked what do [residents] need to see in this community to spend 20 dollars more a month?” he asked. “What does it take to make you want to spend an extra $50 dollars?”

Leslie also noted store hours could be a factor, with many closing before people can get out of work.

The report is available here.

battlefordsNOW reached out to Mayor David Gillan for this article, but he was unavailable at the time for an interview.

On Twitter: @JoshRyanSports

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