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(File photo/battlefordsNOW staff)
Town incentive

Battle Springs lot prices reduced by 20 per cent

Jan 10, 2022 | 1:15 PM

The Town of Battleford is offering a price reduction in an effort to spur sales of the vacant lots in the Battle Springs subdivision.

Community Planner Paige Hundt said at council’s recent meeting the aim of the proposal is to move the remaining 13 lots to fill up the subdivision.

She noted there is also a cost to the town to maintain the empty lots, so it would be in the town’s best interest to get them sold.

Hundt said the most recent lot sales were in 2020, when three were purchased.

“We gave them a 15 per cent discount. So I don’t think the 20 per cent price reduction is a stretch, and the lots are priced quite high as it is,” she said.

Council unanimously approved administration’s proposal to adopt the new prices at a 20 per cent decrease.

Mayor Ames Leslie hopes the incentive is effective in getting the remaining subdivision lots sold.

“I do think that there is an opportunity there to fill it and collect some taxation from that,” he said “As well, the more people we attract to our community, the more we can beautify it and grow into the future.”

Leslie noted the lots have been sitting empty with hardly any interest from the public for the past 10 years.

“It’s time we look to get somebody in them, and get houses built on them,” he said.

Coun. Alexis Christensen also supported the proposal.

“It’s a good incentive to get that place filled up,” she said. “It will be nice to get the neighbourhood going there, and I’m sure the people living there would appreciate that as well.”

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