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(Submitted photo/Government of Saskatchewan)

Big game draw online applications open May 1

Apr 26, 2021 | 2:00 PM

The Government of Saskatchewan has set an opening day for the province’s big game draw applications to May 1. Hunters will be able to submit online applications until 11:59 p.m. on May 25.

According to a media release, the province set records for applications in 2020.

“The big game draw continues to be extremely popular with hunters in this province,” Environment Minister Warren Kaeding said. “In 2020, the ministry received almost 115,000 applications and we anticipate another busy year.”

The province explained the although they’re taking applications for the fall hunting season, hunters should be aware of the unpredictability of the COVID-19 pandemic and the possible changes of the public health orders.

They’re also encouraging people to apply early as draws for numerous species receive many applications compared to how many licenses there are. Because of this, the odds of your application being drawn are low.

Information regarding the application, priority pools, wildlife management zone (WMZ) quotas and detailed application instructions are available on the Saskatchewan licenses website.

Those who are concerned with not being able to hunt during the pandemic can consider a Zone 99 application to maintain pool status without their application being drawn.

The big game draw is administered through the Saskatchewan Hunting, Angling and Trapping Licence system.

Draw results will be available through HAL accounts in mid-June. Except for pronghorn, which will be available in mid-July.

Those who are drawn can purchase licences through their HAL accounts beginning August 1, 2021.

On Twitter: @princealbertnow

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