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Deb McNabb, co-founder of Better Together project. (Submitted/Deb McNabb)
Mental Health Support

Better Together organizers promoting message of hope for mental health

Apr 12, 2021 | 3:40 PM

The Better Together T-shirt Project co-founder is promoting a new campaign in the Battlefords to spread a message of hope during the second year of the pandemic.

The new effort is part of the Better Together mental health initiative.

Pastor Deb McNabb of Living Faith Chapel is encouraging people to wear the new T-shirt design that features the word Hope, surrounded by an image of dandelions.

“Let’s spread the word that it’s a hopeful time. Even though our community, our nation, and our world still struggles, we are a people of hope,” she said.

The shirts can be ordered through All Out Graphics and Design website in April only, and will be available in June.

McNabb said while on sabbatical this year she is focusing on spreading the Better Together message across Canada.

The Better Together T-shirt project and Together Tuesdays was started in 2019 by Battlefords youth Allysa Woodrow when she was a high school student here. The aim of the project is to bring young and older generations together following a string of suicides in the community in 2018.

The Better Together project that features four T-shirt designs to help encourage conversation and build friendships has been continuing to grow.

Since the project started, over 5,000 T-shirts have been distributed in Saskatchewan. It total, over 15,000 shirts have been sent across Canada and the world.

McNabb said the T-shirts have just recently been given to mayors in 11 communities in Saskatchewan to promote the wellness initiative.

“We’ve seen so many positive outcomes,” she said.

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