Prince Albert Winter Festival – COVID-19 Style
The Prince Albert Winter Festival’s Board of Directors today officially cancelled all planned activities at the Alfred Jenkins Field House outdoor site for the 2021 Winter Festival. This includes the Sled Dog Races, King and Queen Trapper Events, Arm Wrestling, Trade Show, Kidz Zone and Bonfire. The Family Day Sliding Party has also been cancelled for this year.
“We held off on this decision as long as we could, in the hopes that we could still hold some events,” explained Outdoor Events Co-ordinator Tammy McGunigal, “However, for the ongoing safety of the participants and spectators, the events simply cannot be done this year. We look forward to resuming all these events next year and making the outdoor site bigger and better.”
The Rock Show Experience, Youth Extravaganza, Voices of the North, Fiddle Show, Country North Show, Reunion Show and Gospel Show will all be streamed online as part of the indoor events of the Winter Festival. As well, there are still plans for a Drive-In Fireworks display as well as a Drive-Thru Fish Fry (locations and times TBD). Plans for these events will be released in the next few days.
Snow Sculptures are beginning to pop up around the city, and Winter Festival Buttons are available at Canadian Tire and all Lake Country Co-op locations in Prince Albert. In addition to the buttons, a limited number of Winter Festival masks will be sold. The Winter Festival is also selling 50-50 and Raffle tickets to help fund the events.