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Battleford Town Hall.  (file photo/battlefordsNOW Staff)
Budget 2021 deliberations

Town of Battleford plans to present proposed 2021 budget with no tax increase

Dec 3, 2020 | 3:54 PM

The Town of Battleford administration is not proposing any property tax increase for ratepayers for the 2021 budget.

Chief Administrative Officer Ash Alam said the proposed budget will be presented at the Dec. 14 deliberation meeting.

The town was mindful in making the proposal that many people are facing challenges at this time as a result of the impact of the pandemic.

“There will be no increase for taxes for sure,” Alam said, based on council’s direction to administration for the proposal.

There is also no increase to utilities recommended.

“Of course, everybody is hurting [due to] COVID, and our council’s goal is to definitely stabilize the town’s economy, and stay local,” Alam said.

The budget deliberation meeting will be held at the Alex Dillabough Centre, Main Hall.

The event is open to the public, with a limited number of seats available, to meet the province’s COVID-19 restrictions. Masks are mandatory, and attendees must follow social distancing protocols. Anyone who hopes to attend will need to register in advance on Dec. 14.

Council will have an opportunity to review the details of the budget draft and make changes where needed, before it will decide on passing the budget.

“Hopefully, we won’t have many changes,” Alam said.

Despite no increase being proposed for taxes, the town still plans to continue its initiatives for the year ahead, and longer-term goals.

“COVID is a main factor everywhere, so we are not any different,” Alam said. “But still, life will be moving on, and we will serve our community and we will do the improvements, the projects and everything that will go on, as per our commitment to the community.”

On Twitter: @battlefordsNOW

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