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Mark Coleman is running for a councillor position with the Town of Battleford council. (Submitted photo/Mark Coleman)
Town Council Hopeful

Coleman vying for councillor seat on Town of Battleford council

Oct 27, 2020 | 4:57 PM

A Battleford school teacher is among the hopefuls running for a seat on the Town of Battleford council in the upcoming municipal election.

Mark Coleman who resides in Battleford with his family, said after living in the town for about five or six years he thought this would be a good time to vie for a position on council.

“I like the town, and I am just hoping to add another perspective,” he said.

He currently works at Battleford Central School, where he teaches Grades 4 and 5.

If elected, he said one of his main focuses is ensuring there are enough recreational opportunities for the youth.

“I think it’s important our kids have a good place to grow into,” he said. “I am passionate about safeguarding a positive future for our youth.”

Coleman believes the town has made a lot of progress, and he wants to be involved in continuing that work.

“I would just like to see the town continue to grow,” he said. “It’s been great living here. And I just want to keep seeing it grow.”

Coleman is also focused on the importance of being fiscally responsible.

The eager candidate believes his skills would serve him well if elected to council.

“I would say I am a critical thinker, and I really believe in good organization,” he said.

As a young father, Coleman said he simply wants to do his part to help out in the community. That is primarily why he is running to be part of the next council.

On Twitter: @battlefordsNOW

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