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Battleford Mayor, Ames Leslie announced his plans to run for re-election this week. (Submitted photo/Ames Leslie)
Second-Term Quest

Battleford Mayor announces re-election bid

Sep 21, 2020 | 5:04 PM

As the leaves begin to fall and autumn takes effect, election season is on the horizon in the town of Battleford.

As such, incumbent mayor with the town, Ames Leslie has announced his intention to run for re-election this year, just a day before the official nomination period is set to open on Sept. 22.

Leslie, who will be closing out his first term as mayor this fall, was initially elected back in 2016.

He said there was never much doubt in his mind he would run again this year for a second term.

“I think the intention always was to seek re-election, but as the nominations open up tomorrow, I just kind of thought it was time to officially get it out there and make my intentions known,” he told battlefordsNOW.

Much of Leslie’s first term as mayor was focused on infrastructure in the town, including projects pertaining to water, sewer and road work. He said if re-elected, he plans to continue to make those things a top priority, with a few other ideas in place as well.

“I would also like to see a focus on more sidewalks in the community,” Leslie said. “COVID has created a world where a lot more people are walking, so more walking trails and more sidewalks [become important].

“We could [also] focus on more recreation,” he continued. “More things for the youth and for all ages in our community to do, to enjoy the great river valley, or to enjoy the community and get out and get a little bit of exercise as a bonus.”

Leslie said with the ongoing pandemic still very much in effect, many unique challenges remain in place for the community. However, he said together the town can face those challenges head-on.

“I think COVID is going to have a different flavour,” he said. “If successful in being re-elected, in looking at the budget there is going to be a different world in terms of revenue streams, so we definitely need to continue to move the community forward as best we can. We’ll need to understand what allowances there will be in the new world under COVID, and what impact it will have on budget time.”

On Twitter: MartyMartyPxP1

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