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The Town of Battleford renewed its agreement with Destination Battlefords to run through 2022. (file photo/battlefordsNOW Staff)
Agreements and departures

Destination Battlefords renews Town agreement, celebrates Russ Brown

Aug 24, 2020 | 4:57 PM

In trying to bounce back from the significant impact COVID-19 had on the tourism sector, Destination Battlefords is working closely with local partners for the coming months and years.

The Town of Battleford renewed its agreement with the organization last week, which, along with the City of North Battleford and the Battlefords Hotels Association, has Destination Battlefords three local partnerships committed through 2022. Mayor Ames Leslie said anything that helps the sector along is helpful.

“Tourism has been a big part of our success, [for] a variety of reasons,” Leslie said.

The two-year extension will run at the same annual rate of $48,000. If tourism can pick up, Leslie said it will have farther reaching effects for everyone.

“It’s only going to benefit every aspect of our community,” he said. “Whether it’s hotels, restaurants or [other] services.”

Destination Battlefords Executive Director Ryan Bater said it’s encouraging to have the confidence of Town council moving forward. 2020 was expected to become a big year for the organization, with a new strategic plan, before things were waylaid by the COVID-19 pandemic.

“We’re trying to do what we can for the industry, given the assets that exist here and it makes a lot of sense for the partnership to stay intact,” Bater said.

Between the initial lockdowns and slow reopening, it’s been a devastating economic time for the tourism industry. Even in the past month, Bater said things haven’t returned to welcome level for businesses like hotels.

“Occupancy rates are a fraction of what we’re used to,” he said.

With unknowns around how the market looks in a few months and how people behave during the pandemic, Bater said they’re focused on making outsiders to the community feel comfortable visiting. This will be a key part of the “Battlefords Nice” campaign.

“We want to convince people in other communities to feel safe here,” he said. “And that’s a big job.”

There will be more on “Battlefords Nice” this week on battlefordsNOW.

Russ Brown celebrated ahead of retirement

Executive Ryan Bater presents outgoing Chair Russ Brown with an Allen Sapp painting. (submitted photo/Destination Battlefords)

Destination Battlefords also gave Chair Russ Brown a celebratory farewell last week.

The long-time member, who is set to retire at the end of the month, has been instrumental in regional tourism since the 1990s. In serving on and off with multiple boards, he helped develop multiple programs and projects, including the Destination Marketing Program. During the AGM, the board presented Brown with a signed, limited edition Allen Sapp print, entitled “Nothing Much to Do.”

“He’s been very involved, not just with our organization, but with the entire tourism industry,” Bater said. “We wanted to recognize that and pay a little tribute to him for his service to our community.”

Brown’s latest work with Destination Battlefords has occurred since 2013. Bater said he has always been a leader on the board, especially in helping develop the hotels’ association.

“Russ was always one to focus on the picture, while also having his eye on the details as well,” he said.

On Twitter: @JoshRyanSports

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