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Crime prevention

RCMP encourages residents to sign up for alerts about crime in their area

Aug 12, 2020 | 2:11 PM

The RCMP continues to encourage residents to sign up for online alerts through the Saskatchewan Crime Watch Advisory Network in the event crime happens in their community.

Battlefords RCMP Staff Sgt. Jason Teniuk said residents can follow the network provided through Everbridge to find out whether there have been any reports in their area.

“You can select what detachments you would like to have information from. The Battlefords detachment is part of that app,” he said.

Teniuk said the RCMP regularly send advisories about incidents in the area to keep the public informed.

“We try to get it out as much as we can,” he said. “Usually it’s stolen vehicles or things to watch for. If we have a major incident going on, we’ll use the Everbridge App for that.”

Some residents participate in groups using the WhatsApp messaging service to communicate any suspicious activity for example.

However, Teniuk wants to remind residents their immediate response should be to contact the RCMP if they are aware of any criminal activity.

“I do think it’s a good idea if any community or group wants to get together and establish something off of WhatsApp or any other app for that matter,” he said. “I don’t see any issue with that. Having said that though, we would certainly want those calls to come to us.”

Teniuk also said people should be mindful when they share any information online. He said the RCMP have concerns the information may not be factual or could compromise an RCMP investigation.

“I can’t stress enough that if something happens, the first call should come to us,” he said.

As far as crime prevention is concerned, Const. Brittany Fehr, with the RCMP in the Glaslyn-Turtleford-Thunderchild-St. Walburg area, encourages residents to follow best practices.

Glaslyn RCMP reported Wednesday it received a complaint of a theft of a flat deck trailer from a rural location in the R.M. of Parkdale.

Fehr said these types of thefts are common in the area. The RCMP has also received reports of trucks and quads stolen recently.

Fehr recommends people use motion sensor lights for their properties for added safety. They may want to install some type of security system to help deter crime on their properties, she said.

“Just make sure things are locked up,” she said. “Have your motion sensor lights on, and try to have [security] cameras in the area if possible.”

On Twitter: @battlefordsnow

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