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The Gold Eagle Casino welcomed residents for the first time since March. (Angela Brown/battlefordsNOW Staff)
Playing it safe

Battlefords residents flock to Gold Eagle Casino after reopening

Jul 10, 2020 | 1:41 PM

It didn’t take long for residents of the Battlefords, and beyond, to enter the Gold Eagle Casino when doors opened Thursday evening.

The opening occurred earlier than planned, as a lineup began to pile up at the entrance. Harris Sutherland, senior operations manager, said the excitement built for weeks as employees waited for the province’s go-ahead.

“As soon as they allowed us to open, it’s been very high spirits here,” Sutherland said.

The Gold Eagle is one the largest employers in the Battlefords.

“That impact was huge, all over the province,” he said.

Many people who aren’t regular patrons of the casino were among those present Thursday. Jordan Cameron, a Duck Lake resident, said he missed the collective experience, even if there’s safety parameters in place to limit interaction.

“Just mingling with people, talking, having fun,” Cameron said.

To keep mingling in check, SIGA President Zane Hansen said there’s queuing to control occupancy levels.

“We can’t have extra people in the facility,” Hansen said. “So, that will be closely monitored.”

He added SIGA adjusted its business model, bringing in new gaming products and making significant changes on the floor. Half of the slot machines were removed for distancing and food and beverage services are only available at the deli counter for now.

“There’s no table games at this time, only electronic table games, which have separate terminals to play at,” Hansen said.

Masks and gloves are being provided to each customer when they enter, among other safety measures. Hansen said they will continue to take proactive measures.

“I think we would be as safe a public space as any out there,” he said. “That’s our number one priority for our employees and customers.”

(Angela Brown/battlefordsNOW)

Hansen said casinos will work to keep up with other businesses and services as the province slowly returns to something close to normal.

“Hopefully conditions stabilize and keep improving and we’ll move along with everyone else.”

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