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Deputy Premier and Education Minister Gordon Wyant announced on Tuesday schools can begin in-person education as early as September 1. (Brady Lang/CKOM News Staff)
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Local educators excited in-person classes will resume this fall

Jun 11, 2020 | 12:58 PM

The Government of Saskatchewan announced schools across the province will return in-person education for the upcoming 2020-21 school year.

On Tuesday, Deputy Premier and Education Minister Gordon Wyant said in-person classes can resume September 1.

“Reopening schools is a significant milestone for our province, and an important step for families to get back to a new normal,” he said.

Jamie McIsaac, principal at John Paul II Collegiate, said he and fellow staff members are excited to see students back inside the school.

“We’re elated. School is not the same without having the students here. It is kind of a lonely place without them here. They bring excitement to each and every day,” he said.

McIsaac explained while teaching students remotely online for the last few months has been a great way to fill the gap in education caused by the pandemic, it does not completely replace in-person learning.

“There are students that need individual help and assistance and that sometimes is a little difficult to do virtually or online. Hands-on learning is part of the process and something that we haven’t been able to do for the last few months,” he said.

Carla Bernier, vice principal at North Battleford Comprehensive High School, said parents, teachers and even the students will be excited to get back to school.

“I know that students are itching to see friends and maybe have some normalcy as well. We know that kids thrive in structured times so I think they may not be too excited right now but they are going to be jazzed to come back in the fall,” she said.

Bernier said she’s most excited to re-connect with students.

“You really miss that connection with your students and your staff. Last week we had our grad and just having those students coming into the building and being able to see them again it was really exciting for us as a staff, as well as the students,” she said.

The provincial government’s Education Response Planning team will continue to work with the Ministry of Education and Saskatchewan’s Chief Medical Health Officer Dr. Saqib Shahab to provide public health guidelines for the return of in-person education.

On Twitter: @battlefordsnow

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