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Health Care in the North West

Planning Underway For A Hemodialysis Unit In Meadow Lake

Mar 12, 2020 | 8:16 AM

Residents in northwest Saskatchewan will soon have improved access to hemodialysis and kidney wellness services. The Saskatchewan Health Authority is moving forward with plans for construction of a six-station hemodialysis unit in Meadow Lake.

“The new hemodialysis unit in Meadow Lake will expand dialysis capacity in central and northern Saskatchewan, and will make it easier for patients in the northwest region to access this service,” Trade and Export Development Minister and Meadow Lake MLA Jeremy Harrison said on behalf of the Minister Responsible for Rural and Remote Health Warren Kaeding. “We are bringing this life-sustaining treatment closer to home so patients won’t have to travel long distances to receive these important health services.”

Currently, patients in central and northern Saskatchewan travel to Saskatoon or other sites for this treatment if unable to access the service at a satellite dialysis site closer to their home community. The new 2,300 square foot hemodialysis unit will be developed on the second floor of Meadow Lake Hospital, adjacent to the outpatient services, and will provide treatment to 12 patients. In addition to hemodialysis, the unit will provide kidney wellness services.

“Planning is well underway and we are excited to begin the development of this new hemodialysis unit,” Saskatchewan Health Authority Executive Director of Infrastructure Management Derek Miller said. “On average, hemodialysis treatments can last for about four hours and are done three to four times per week so we want to create a well-functioning space for our patients that is welcoming and comforting while they receive treatment.”

The provincial government allocated funding of $700,000 in 2019-20 to support the capital costs associated with the project. Additional funding will be provided in 2020-21 for further capital expenditures and operating costs. The estimated construction cost is approximately $1.4 million.

A Request for Proposal for design services will be issued in the coming weeks. Construction is expected to begin by summer with a target completion date in winter 2020.

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