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The last photo Brenda Chretien has with her and her son Dylan Chretien. (Submitted photo/ Brenda Chretien)
Criminal Investigation

‘Somebody out there knows what happened’: Dylan Chretien’s mother makes plea for information

Mar 6, 2020 | 5:00 PM

It’s been a little more than three months since Brenda Chretien’s son’s body was found north of Prince Albert, and she is no closer to finding out who was responsible.

Dylan Chretien, 30, was reported missing in early November and his remains were found just outside Prince Albert Dec. 4th. Police have confirmed they are treating the death as suspicious, but there have been no charges laid as of yet.

“Somebody out there knows what happened to Dylan and the evil people that did this need to answer to their crime,” Brenda said, adding any tips no matter how small are important.

Dylan Chretien was last seen in Prince Albert on Oct. 27, 2019 and the abandoned truck he was driving, a Blue Toyota Tundra, was later found in the Nordale area on Nov. 1. Brenda said she was told Dylan went to Prince Albert to give a “female friend” a ride to pick up her boyfriend to bring him back to Lloydminster.

“Dylan was using my truck and I wasn’t sure where he was, so I tried getting ahold of him but he didn’t answer calls or messages,” she said. “It was completely out of character for him to just abandon the truck and not answer me or his friends.”

Dylan and best friend Kuda. (Submitted photo/ Brenda Chretien)

On Friday, a spokesperson for the Prince Albert Police told paNOW the case remains under investigation and added police encourage the public to submit any information they may have about Dylan’s disappearance. Brenda said Dylan never indicated to her or his friends that he was in any sort of trouble.

“Dylan was a good person and loved by many people, he was always trying to help anyone that needed a helping hand. He certainly didn’t deserve to have his life and future stolen from him and those of us that loved him,” she said.

A photo of Dylan with his ex-girlfrind and her daughter. Brenda Chretien said Dylan loved the young girl like she was his own child. (Submitted photo/ Brenda Chretien)

Through their investigation police found Dylan’s remains dumped in a wooded rural area north of by Prince Albert Dec 4th and he was identified through forensics dental records. Brenda describe the month Dylan was missing as the “worst” month of her life, adding she had trouble sleeping and eating.

“It was a total nightmare,” she said.

Brenda said she is speaking out publicly now in the hope it will help convince people with information about her son’s death to come forward. She explained she had a very close relationship with her son and misses him a lot.

“He was my rock and daily inspiration,” she said. “He was the only remaining family that I have and his death has destroyed me to the very core of my being. Our future plans will never happen and I’m left all alone and totally devastated emotionally and financially.”

On Twitter: @nigelmaxwell

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