Local student reflects on Shad Canada experience, as first accepted from high school
For local student, Bridgitte Campbell, going to school isn’t just a task but rather, an enjoyment.
Last summer, Campbell spent time taking part in Shad Canada, a STEAM (Science, technology, engineering, arts and math) and entrepreneurship program for excelling students in Grades 10 and 11 across the country.
Campbell applied for the program in November, and was accepted to the University of Prince Edward Island in Charlottetown PEI., becoming the first student from John Paul II Collegiate to be accepted into the program. There she took part in a month-long course designed to challenge students academically in innovative ways.
At the university, the students were split up into different groups. The whole Shad program had the same topic at each location, as students were tasked with creating a product or business that would reduce waste in Canada.