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The Town of Battleford has a new incentive program for businesses for downtown revitalization.
Downtown improvements

To revitalize downtown, Battleford creates business incentive program

Jan 13, 2020 | 2:31 PM

Battleford may see some improvements to its main street businesses with a new town incentive program for the downtown.

In his report, the Town of Battleford’s CAO John Enns-Wind said the aim of the Downtown Incentive Program is to promote downtown revitalization by offering local businesses in the downtown area an incentive to improve their properties, to encourage new development, and improve the local economy.

The program is part of the town’s efforts to spruce up the downtown.

“This is something we have never had in the Town of Battleford,” Mayor Ames Leslie said. “We’ve never had a dedicated downtown revitalization policy.”

To be considered for the downtown incentive program, applicants must obtain a building permit and begin construction within six months of receiving it. The building must be occupied by an operating business for the duration of the abatement or the exemption must be repaid. Incentives cannot be combined with any other incentives offered by the town. Tax abatements would apply to the municipal portion of the property tax only.

Battleford Downtown Incentive Program area. (Angela Brown/battlefordsNOW Staff)

Incentives will be available under three categories: Building upgrades and renovations; improving vacant buildings, and developing vacant lots.

As part of the program, the initial recommendation was a one-year 50 per cent tax abatement for projects valued within $50,000 to $100,000 valued project. But council doubled the abatement to 100 per cent for that cost range for one-year after Coun. Judy Pruden said smaller businesses with limited funds should have the same opportunity to take full advantage of the incentive.

Projects valued at $100,000 to $149,999 would receive a 100 per cent abatement for two years. Projects valued at $150,000 or more, would receive a 100 per cent abatement for three years.

“We all know that sometimes incentives attract businesses,” Mayor Leslie said. “So this is just one more tool in the box to try and make sure we’re competitive in the marketplace, and create a downtown core that attracts business that want to stay, and also to be able to survive and be successful.”

This incentive also applies to the Kanaweyimik and Co-op developments initiated in 2019.

Full details of the program will be available on the town’s website.

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