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Street safety

Highway Patrol officers to get new body armour

Dec 17, 2019 | 6:04 PM

Saskatchewan Highway Patrol officers are getting upgraded body armour.

A request for bids is out to replace their current bulletproof vests, as well as buy new armour plates that can withstand high powered ballistics like rifle fire.

Blair Wager, an assistant deputy minister with the Department of Highways and Infrastructure explained the bullet proof vests, also known as soft body armour, need to be replaced approximately every five years because their fibres break down rendering them less effective. The new armour plates, which can be inserted into the vests, respond to the unit’s recently updated role.

Last year, the Saskatchewan government expanded the powers of Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Officers, changed their name to Highway Patrol and issued them firearms.

The Highway Patrol officers, along with conservation officers, the RCMP and municipal police became part of the newly formed Protection and Response Team (PRT), an initiative designed to fight rural crime in the province.

“When we stepped into the PRT realm that changed our risk profile quite a bit where we’re now into stopping private vehicles and you don’t always know what situation you’re getting into and who’s driving that vehicle,” Wager told paNOW.

Highway patrol officers can make arrests, respond to 911 calls and issue tickets for traffic and speeding violations.

“Because of the new responsibilities that the highway patrol now has there are situations now that we could potentially be called in as a first responder in an active crime situation or a situation where we’re having to back up or support the RCMP,” he said.

Wagner said that in the year since the PRT has been formed, Highway Patrol officers have been called into situations with reports of shots having been fired, but none of their officers had shots fired at them.

There are just over 50 Highway Patrol officers across the province, with three based in Prince Albert. All of them will receive the new body armour.

On Twitter: @alisandstrom

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