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(File photo/paNOW Staff)
Shooting Anniversary

Sombre 30th anniversary for ‘Montreal Massacre’

Dec 6, 2019 | 9:00 AM

A mass shooting no one in Canada will forget.

Thirty years ago today, a lone gunman entered École Polytechnique, and shot and killed 14 women in what has been called the ‘Montreal Massacre’.

Fourteen others were injured, including 10 women and four men.

The shooter largely targeted women at the engineering school, separating them from the men before opening fire on the women.

In his suicide note, the shooter blamed feminists for ruining his life.

Dec. 6 is now commemorated as the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women.

“[The shooting] was an obvious target against women, which is why now we practice the 16 days of activism to end violence against women,” said North East Outreach and Support Services (NEOSS) Executive Director Louise Schweitzer.

Equality is still an issue in society as a whole and needs to be addressed and highlighted, said Schweitzer. She pointed to the wage gap as one example.

Schweitzer said the Internet and social media play a part in continuing misogyny and inequality, but adds they are also a valuable communication tool to keep people safe and aware.

“With the 16 days of activism we hope that people go out and they have conversations about equality and fairness for everyone involved,” said Schweitzer. “We need to remember to care for each other and be caring and compassionate and kind, especially at times like this when…emotions become heightened by the recognition that..30 years ago there was a mass tragedy that happened, specifically a target against women.”

Schweitzer said the NEOSS Crisis Line at 1-800-611-6349 assists people who are experiencing domestic and sexualized violence, and interpersonal violence in relationships.

“They have a wealth of information, knowledge and resources that they might be able to give you access to,” said Schweitzer.

Anyone in immediate danger should dial 911.

On Twitter: @camlee1974

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