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(file photo/CKOM Staff)

New name, mascot, colours selected for amalgamated Cut Knife school

Jun 24, 2019 | 12:07 PM

After consultation with the community and surrounding First Nations, a new name has been selected for the new consolidated elementary and high school in Cut Knife.

The chosen name, Cut Knife Community School, reflects the identity of the school as an inclusive space that welcomes everyone, according to a press release from Living Sky School Division. The name was approved at a recent board meeting.

In June 2018, the CKES School Community Council unanimously voted to consolidate the schools to create one viable learning centre in the community.

The amalgamated school will serve students from prekindergarten to Grade 12 and is scheduled to open in the fall.

The school division said the consultation process included a survey and face to face conversations. Staff, students, parents and community members identified Cut Knife as”a place with a rich and diverse history, where people feel safe and welcome, and where a sense of community resonates.”

“The use of the word community evokes a strong sense of belonging and care while delivering a feeling of fellowship with others,” the division said in the release.

The consultation process also helped the rebranding committee choose new school colours and a mascot. The new mascot, the Kodiak Bear, symbolizes strength, courage and leadership and has a traditional and symbolic purpose in First Nations culture. The name Kodiaks was chosen in part because of the rhythmic repetition in saying Cut Knife Kodiaks.

The new school colours include turquoise, grey, black and white. The division said turquoise was selected as it is a combination of blue and green, the prior colours of the elementary and high school. As well, in First Nations communities, turquoise symbolizes the sky and water and is considered very powerful.

The next step in the rebranding process will see the division hold a school logo contest.

On Twitter: @JournoMarr