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John Paul II Collegiate Principal Carlo Hansen oversaw many changes during his 11-year-tenure at the high school, including the establishment of a football team and band program. (Submitted photo/Ramona Stillar)
Leaving his mark

JPII principal to retire at year’s end

Jun 19, 2019 | 2:09 PM

With another school year winding down and summer holidays fast-approaching, students and teachers alike are counting down towards days spent enjoying the sunshine.

For one educator, however; this summer is sure to bring with it some mixed emotion.

After 11 years at the helm as principal of John Paul II Collegiate, Carlo Hansen will retire at the end of the school year.

From Willkie originally, Hansen moved to North Battleford in 1992, where he and his family have called home since, outside of a four-year period spent teaching in Malaysia beginning in 2002.

Hansen said he’s always had a passion for teaching, and is grateful to have had the career he did.

“[Teaching has] definitely always been an interest of mine,” he said. “To me, education is a really simple business; it’s just about relationships. I think that’s just one of the things we strive to work on, relationships among staff, relationships amongst staff and students, and to me that’s what’s going to make the difference for kids.”

Hansen said he’s not concerned about his legacy with the school, just grateful for the opportunity to play a part in creating a welcoming atmosphere.

“Personally, it’s not about me leaving a legacy, it’s up to other people to decide that,” he said. “I just wanted to try to create an environment where all students could excel and become the best they could become in whatever area it was.”

Asked what he is perhaps most proud of, Hansen said reflecting on his tenure at JPII specifically, it’s the programs that were started during his time as principal that he’s really pleased with.

“I am proud that we were able to start some new things,” he said. “I don’t want to take credit for any of these things, but I am proud that during my tenure we were able to get a football program going. I was proud we were able to get a band program going; I think those have both brought huge additions to our school.”

As for what retirement will bring, Hansen said he plans to spend most of the next year traveling along with his wife Donna, who is also retiring after many years working and coaching at JPII.

On Twitter: MartyMartyPxP1

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