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One of the many who received free haircuts Monday at North West College Tangles Hair Salon in North Battleford. NWC and Concern For Youth partnered on the initiative. (Angela Brown/battlefordsNOW Staff)
Cut above the rest

NW College offers free haircut day; students shine in competitions

Jun 3, 2019 | 5:32 PM

It was a feel-good day for all at North West College’s (NWC) hairstylist program Monday.

Battlefords Concern for Youth partnered with the college to host a free haircut day for kids. The NWC hairstylist program also had its own boost as student Megan Wright returned from a national competition where she claimed gold.

About 58 kids enjoyed free haircuts at the NWC Tangles Hair Salon as part of the NWC and Battlefords Concern for Youth partnership. Concern for Youth contributed $200 for the first half-day, while the hairstylist program donated the cost for the remainder of the day.

Battlefords Concern for Youth Executive Director Dani Williams said the non-profit organization said not only did the program offer summer haircuts, but it gave families on a budget some much needed savings.

“It’s to give the kids an opportunity to look and feel good about themselves and help out the community,” she said.

She added when kids have a positive self-image they will more likely want to spend time with their friends and pursue their goals, academically or otherwise.

“Especially with everything going on in the community in the last couple of years, it’s important for the kids to be able to feel good about themselves and know there are people in the community who do care,” Williams said.

Some in the Concern for Youth’s new mentorship program also took advantage of the free haircut day event.

North West College Hairstylist Program graduating student Megan Wright shows her gold medal she received in the Skills Canada National Competition. (Angela Brown/battlefordsNOW Staff)

Also on Monday, NWC welcomed back Megan Wright, a hairstylist graduate. She just returned from Halifax where she won gold in the Skills Canada National Competition for her category.

“I’m kind of in shock,” she said of picking up the top award. “I thought there were so many other really good hairstylists there.”

From Moosomin First Nation, the 19-year-old hopes to go on to work in her field in the Battlefords, or Lloydminster where she has family.

North West College hairstylist program graduating student Tanisha Swiftwolfe received gold in the provincial skills competition held in Saskatoon in April. (Angela Brown/battlefordsNOW Staff)

Tanisha Littlewolfe, 21, from Onion Lake Cree Nation, also graduating from the hairstylist program claimed the gold award in the Annual Provincial Skills Competition in Saskatoon in April. She was originally scheduled to attend nationals but could not go because she was busy looking after her two young children at the time. Wright, who had the silver award in provincials and a very high point-score, went in her stead to continue the school’s winning streak.

Littlewolfe said winning gold at provincials was a highlight for her.

“I was really happy,” she said. “I felt really proud of myself.”

Littlewolfe credited her uncle for first getting her interested in the hairstylist profession.

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