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Mayor Ames Leslie, left, with CAO John Enns-Wind shown at the Town of Battleford council’s meeting, Tuesday. Council heard the financial report for the year-to-date is on target. (Angela Brown/battlefordsNOW Staff)
Financial update

Town of Battleford ‘on track’ for year-to-date financial report

May 22, 2019 | 3:00 PM

It was good news for the Town of Battleford Tuesday night when council heard the year-to-date financial numbers are pretty well on-track and close to projections for the period.

In giving his financial report, Finance Director David Gillan said for the period from January 1 to May 13, 2019, operating revenues, with the exception of utilities, are “on target,” including revenue from projected land sales. For utilities, the rate increase didn’t come into effect until May 1. Overall, utilities should meet its surplus target for 2019.

Total budgeted revenues for 2019 are $7.5 million. In the quarter, the total revenue amounted to $1.17 million, which is about 15.64 per cent of the annual projected figure.

Revenue from taxation is expected to start coming this summer soon as well which will bring the revenue tally up significantly.

“The only reason other revenues are behind is timing,” Gillan said.

The overall operating expenses are on budget for the year to date.

Gillan also indicated the town has been prudent in its financial spending decisions.

The town has ensured that for its General Fund Capital when it over-spends in one area, in turn it under-spends in another to find savings and reach a balance.

Mayor Ames Leslie said following council he was pleased with the report.

“We always look at the expenditures because that’s the one where you can control the most,” he said.

The mayor pointed out the town is projected to come in under-budget, which is always a good sign.

“We definitely want to commend the leadership group in the town and the departments for finding ways to save money,” Leslie said.

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