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About 100 supporters took part in the Walk for Mental Health Week event in North Battleford on Wednesday. (Angela Brown/battlefordsNOW Staff)
Community support

‘Everyone has experience:’ Nearly 100 turn out for mental health walk

May 8, 2019 | 3:02 PM

Nearly everyone has had an experience with mental illness.

That is why Alice Albert and her friend Diane Atcheynum laced up to join nearly 100 others for Wednesday’s Walk for Mental Health Week

Supporters of all ages participated in the 5.4 kilometre hike from Saskatchewan Hospital North Battleford (SHNB), along Thatcher Avenue, across the highway to Railway Avenue East, and finishing at Library Park.

North Battleford resident Alice Albert was setting a good stride in the walk with her friend Diane Atcheynum who lives in the rural Battlefords area.

“Everybody has some experience with mental health, I think. That’s why we’re doing it.”

Canadian Mental Health Association Battlefords Branch executive director Jane Zielke de Montbrun was also laced up donning her best runners for the walk.

“We’re really happy to see so many people come out to support mental health during Mental Health Week,” she said.

Participants in the walk included many supporters, community members, as well as SHNB in-patients, people involved in programming at the hospital, and staff at SHNB and the CMHA.

Zielke de Montbrun said traditionally the local walk for awareness has been to recognize the people who were once in-patients at SHNB, departing and re-integrating into the community.

In essence, the walk was a symbolic gesture of the former patients’ journey, coming home and “working towards their wellness.”

Following the walk, participants and supporters enjoyed Mental Health Week entertainment at Library Park and free cupcakes and refreshments to celebrate the event.

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