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The Battlefords North Stars rejoice after winning the 2019 Canalta Cup. A kick-off party is planned prior to the North Stars' game at the Civic Centre on Tuesday as they compete for the Anavet Cup. (Martin Martinson/battlefordsNOW Staff)
Cheering on the champs

North Stars to kick-off Anavet Cup home games with parking lot party

Apr 26, 2019 | 1:59 PM

Fans of the Battlefords North Stars will be coming to the game at the Civic Centre Tuesday with bells on, cowbells that is, to cheer on their local team.

The North Stars will return home after playing in Portage la Prairie as they vie for the Anavet Cup, so organizers hope to see a strong show of support at the kick-off party prior to the game.

“Come out, have fun and celebrate the boys,” Jennifer Whyte, marketing director and office manager for the Battlefords North Stars, said.

The event will include pizza slices and beer available for purchase. As well, the North Battleford band The Barons of Buckingham will perform to get everyone in the party spirit.

Fans can also pick up free cowbells that will be given out by the radio station to take to the game that night.

“I love it,” Whyte said. “It’s going to hopefully throw Portage (The Terriers) off their game when all of our fans are ringing their bells in the stands. So it will be good.”

The event will run until 7:15 p.m. so people have enough time to head into the arena after the party and take their seats for the puck-drop at 7:30 p.m.

Whyte said she is looking forward to the Anavet Cup kick- off party to get everyone in the mood to cheer on the team.

“I think it will be fantastic,” she said. “We did a few parties similar to this with the Canalta Cup finals, and they were a big hit.

“A lot of people didn’t think we were going to be able to get to this point, so we really want to take advantage of all of the celebration that we possibly can,” she said.

The party will start at 6 p.m., April 30 at the ball diamond adjacent to the Civic Centre.

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