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This will mark the inaugural year of the Trade Show at Recreated Interiors & Design, offering small local businesses a place to be discovered by those in the community. (submitted photo/Rebecca Rock)
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Businesses unite for trade show this weekend

Apr 25, 2019 | 10:00 AM

A trade show is going on at Recreated Interiors & Design on Saturday.

Store owner Rebecca Rock helped organize the event as a way to help promote not only her new business, which opened just-over a month ago, but other locally-owned businesses within the community, too.

“Local vendors, ‘do-it-yourselfers [and] business people will have their displays set up and it’s just about bringing awareness to the local creative people who are here in North Battleford,” Rock said.

As the name suggests, Rock’s business includes everything from interior decorating to refinishing furniture, accessories and renovations. However, home-care is far from the only thing offered at Saturday’s show, with Rock saying she’s confident there will be a little something for everyone to enjoy.

“There’s Reiki, hair products, very creative ladies coming with their jewelry, and a gentleman who kind of repurposes things to make unique home accessories.

“Best of all though,” Rock says, “all items are from local craftsmen.”

On Twitter: MartyMartyPxP1

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