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Sentencing hearing to begin for serial killer Bruce McArthur

Feb 4, 2019 | 6:18 AM

TORONTO — A sentencing hearing for a serial killer who preyed on men in Toronto’s gay village is expected to get underway today.

Bruce McArthur, who pleaded guilty last week to eight counts of first-degree murder, is slated to hear from victims’ families and friends who will give statements to the court.

The prosecution laid out previously unheard details of the case in a brief synopsis of facts last week that included 67-year-old McArthur admitting he sexually assaulted and forcibly confined many of his victims before murdering them.

Police found victims’ belongings in McArthur’s apartment, including a bracelet, jewelry and a notebook.

They also found a duffel bag containing duct tape, a surgical glove, rope, zip ties, a bungee cord and syringes in McArthur’s bedroom along with the DNA of several victims inside his van.

Court will also hear a more fulsome agreed statement of facts about the murders once the victim impact statements are heard.

Police arrested McArthur a year ago and eventually charged him in the deaths of Selim Esen, Andrew Kinsman, Majeed Kayhan, Dean Lisowick, Soroush Mahmudi, Skandaraj Navaratnam, Abdulbasir Faizi, and Kirushna Kanagaratnam.

The Canadian Press

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