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Those in need

Meal demand up at Lighthouse

Feb 1, 2019 | 9:00 AM

While the cold weather isn’t driving up attendance numbers at The Lighthouse North Battleford, the facility’s monthly meal counts are on the rise.

Though the numbers are not steady, general manager Kerry Reimer said over the past six months, more and more people are coming through the door in need of food.

“Last summer, we were 2,400 to 2,500 meals a month. Now, we are upwards of 3,000,” he said.

Many clients accessing the services point to the cutback of the Saskatchewan Rental Housing Supplement as having an impact on their monthly budgets, he said.

In the provincial government’s 2018-19 budget unveiled last spring, it was announced no new applications for the program would be accepted as of July 1.

The government said the cut will be backfilled with a new national housing strategy being co-developed between Ottawa and the provinces. This, however, is not anticipated to be in place until 2020.

“Some of our clients have less than what they used to and the price of food these days continues to go up,” Reimer said. “We do see people who may have a place to live but come here to eat even though the rent is being paid.”

Reimer described the situation as “the middle class slowly sliding into the lower class” due to long term, secure jobs with benefits vanishing.

“They sink down into an upper lower class and that puts pressure on the lowest classes that we deal with,” he said. “The food bank, us, different charities, we all end up being busier.”

Because of this, Reimer maintained the importance of these organizations, especially shelters in the winter, as they can mean the difference between life and death. The Lighthouse continue to house around 35 people each night and have implemented their cold weather strategy to ensure anyone found outside and in need is picked-up and helped. He said plenty of coffee, touques, gloves and winter clothing has been handed out.

Those wanting to assist in The Lighthouse’s efforts can attend a benefit concert next month. The event on Feb. 15 is being organized by Saskatchewan Celtic folk band Back of the Bus. Tickets are availiable at the Dekker Centre box office.

On Twitter: @JournoMarr

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