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Inside the Chamber

City sees positive response rate for safety survey

Jan 30, 2019 | 5:15 PM

More than 500 people from across the city provided feedback for the city’s Community Perception Survey, according to a report to council from community safety coordinator Herb Sutton.

Launched in October 2018, the survey asked residents to share their experiences and perceptions of safety in North Battleford.

Next, project consultant Tarah Hodgkinson, an expert in criminology at Simon Fraser University, will report back to the city at a future date using the information. Hodgkinson hopes to collect data from the Ministry of Health and the RCMP to attempt to correlate it with the survey findings.

Other highlights from council:

A request for a discretionary land use to establish a crematorium and funeral home at the former Greyhound bus terminal was approved by council. The city didn’t receive any objections to the proposal.

Eternal Memories Funeral Service and Crematorium, which is currently located near the new site, plans to relocate in the near future.

Swim night

The city is replacing its Toonie Tuesday swim night with a 2-for-Tuesday program which is a two-for-the–price-of-one special at the Battlefords Co-op Aquatic Centre.

The discounted $2 per person swim is usually available from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.

Leisure services director Cheryl DeNeire indicated in her report the current program is popular but hasn’t been generating revenue.

Mayor Ryan Mayor confirmed the new rate will start on a trial basis.

“It’s a slight increase for families but it’s still very affordable,” said the mayor following council. “It fills a mandate. We want to make sure there is a day in the week people can afford to go swimming but we also want to ensure we are addressing some of the revenue challenges.”

The city will try this new special rate for the next six months from March 1 to Sept. 1. Family admissions will also be available at half price as part of the special.

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