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On the diamond

Battlefords Minor Baseball looking for players, coaches ahead of 2019 season

Jan 28, 2019 | 3:26 PM

Even though the weather still seems bleak outside, the warm days are ahead of us.

A clear indication of that warm weather being around the corner is that Battlefords Minor Baseball is now open for registrations for all age groups. The association is looking for players born within the birth dates of 1998 and 2011 for the 2019 Spring Minor Baseball Registration.

There are three ways of registering for BMBA, which include in person at the Don Ross Centre in Room 102 on February 12 and 13 from 7 to 9 p.m. and mail in registration. The fees range from $125 to $250, depending on the age of the player.

Aaron Bru, who is seeking the midget director position with BMHA says nothing has changed from the 2018 season, with the exception of the Mosquito Division switching to the Turtle River League. He expressed the importance behind getting the kids involved in sport from a young age.

“It teaches them to work with other children, take direction from different parents and respect towards adults and authority. Working together to accomplish one goal is probably the most important part of organized sports.”

Bru said the added membership, and having more kids registered pushes them to the ultimate goal of having all leagues played in North Battleford.

The association is also looking for coaches for the season specifically in the rookie division, which the Association pays for and is supplied. Coaches need to be trained to a basic level, which includes an online workshop which takes around an hour to clear them to work with the kids. Bru says some people seem to be intimidated getting into coaching, but the support staff is always there to lend a hand when needed.

“We have liaisons on our board that are there to help out, as well as a training manual,” he said. “We’re not abandoning them; we don’t throw them into a position and leave them alone.”

BMBA is also looking to fill a few positions on the board at their Annual General Meeting on March 18. They’re looking for the younger divisions to get involved with the associations to attempt to grow the association with new and innovative ideas and to create and build a stronger group moving forward.

The forms can be found to register online on their website, or through Battlefords Minor Baseball Incorporated on Facebook.

Twitter: @BradyLangBFN