Town of Battleford council weighs in on business incentives
The Town of Battleford council mulled over a few new requests for abatements from businesses and services at its meeting Monday that fell outside the parameters of the town’s existing policy.
CAO John Enns-Wind related in his report, under the town’s Commercial-Industrial Building Incentive Program, municipal tax portion abatements could be considered for two years for a new building. Under the Developer Incentive Program, municipal tax portion abatements could be considered for five years.
Discovery Co-op food store and pharmacy, which will be coming to Battleford in the spring, had asked for a property tax abatement for three years to undergo what the business described as “extensive renovations” of the former Super A Foods building at 91-22 St. W. Enns-Wind recommended granting the request with a two-year period for the discount instead, to stay within the town’s policy.
While the Co-op venture was for a renovation, rather than a new build, council overall accepted the recommendation proposed for a two-year term abatement.