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Repairing bridges deemed best option

Oct 5, 2018 | 1:34 PM

The Town of Battleford explored a number of options before determining it would be most cost efficient overall to repair the two Finlayson Island bridges, despite the high price tag to improve their condition and bring them closer to standard.

Associated Engineering Ltd. structural engineer Stephen Chiasson presented costs for four different options for council to consider at Monday’s meeting.

In giving his report, he said the north pedestrian-only and south vehicle bridges are “in poor condition.”

The firm had completed a study on the century-old bridge over the summer after the town had concerns about the bridge’s condition.

The report presented at council indicated upgrading both sides of the bridge would be the most viable solution.

Looking at four options proposed, the report stated to keep the south bridge open to vehicle traffic as it is now, with the north bridge remaining as a pedestrian-only structure would cost about $4.5 million over 10 years. This work would involve upgrading the structure to increase the condition rating to five out of 10, or a 50 per cent rating.  

Chiasson said a 50 per cent rating generally means the bridge is considered adequate for its use.  

“A bridge that has a structual condition rating of 50 per cent is a bridge that really doesn’t have any significant issue with it,” he said.  

“Now both bridges require pretty significant upgrades to get them out of that 2.5 rating or 27 per cent rating,” Chiasson added. “Once they are up to 50 per cent or five out of 10 they would really just need ongoing maintenance to keep them functioning for their intended use.”

The cost to make both bridges pedestrian only, by transforming the vehicle bridge into a pedestrian bridge, would cost about $4.7 million.

The estimated cost to close and remove the entire bridge (both north and south sides) would be about $5 million.

Finally, the approximate cost to remove the bridge and replace it with a new pedestrian-only structure (both sides) would be about $10 million plus.

Chiasson pointed out fixing the erosion problem affecting the north foot bridge was the first priority if the bridges were to be maintained and upgraded. This work should be done by 2020.

CAO John Enns-Wind recommended the town upgrade the bridges to retain their uses. 

Councillor Shelley Boutin-Gervais who supported the recommendation to upgrade the bridges said saving the bridges is also important because they are a link to the town’s history as well as to Finlayson Island.

“I think if we can repair the bridge we have, rather than put up a pedestrian bridge, in the long run is going to be more beneficial to everyone,” she said.

The town ultimately went with upgrading the bridges in the long-term with the final costs to be determined.

Initially, it will put $70,000 into having engineering work completed on the south side of the north pedestrian-only bridge to determine how to reduce and stop the erosion.

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